◉ The sky is the limit.
◉ Anesthesia is a game to win.
◉ Plan ahead!
◉ Work hard!
◉ Immediate actions for rapid hemodynamic and metabolic changes are the key.
◉ Death related to anesthesia is rare but real.
◉ Stick to standard precautions.
◉ 患者を守れ、自分を守れ!
◉ Anesthesia begins with preanesthetic evaluation.
◉ Let’s start,shall we?
◉ 快適な眠りへの誘い
◉ Start with A(airway) all the time.
◉ Airway trouble can be fatal.
◉ Many ways to achieve muscle relaxation.
◉ All is well that ends well.
◉ Is endotracheal intubation a necessary evil?
◉ Oxygen balance is the key.
◉ Water is your better half.
◉ Blood is thicker than water.
◉ From landmark approach to ultrasound-guided approach
◉ To make it painless with great pains.
◉ 急性痛への多面的アプローチが決め手
◉ Being cool is not always good.
◉ Don’t relax until the patient fully recovers.
◉ Oh,brain,you are so vulnerable.
◉ Is anesthesia a crusader or a killer?
◉ Let’s share the airway!
◉ It is not easy to deal with two people.
◉ Children are not small adults.
◉ Don’t be out of joint.
◉ Water comes in and goes out.
◉ Airway,airway,and airway.
◉ 気道の共有は怖い!
◉ Fighting spirit and calmness will save the patient.